A Conversation with Philip Yancey
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[title text=”Spiritual Reflections on the 2016 Presidential Election” style=”bold”]
“Philip Yancey’s books are like dinner parties where you meet people you never would have known otherwise… you leave the party exhilarated and inspired, charged with hope and a call to action.” —Brian D. McLaren
“Philip Yancey has a way about him that can only be described as Graceful.” —Bono, Lead Singer of U2
Since penning his first book over 30 years ago, Philip Yancey has become the best-selling author of over 14 million books worldwide, including Christian and Politics: Uneasy Partners, The Question that Never Goes Away and Vanishing Grace. A journalist and editor for Christianity Today and Books & Culture, he’ll be joining Dr. Scot Sherman in conversation about the historic and surreal presidential election of 2016. What happened and what does it tell us about us?
Thursday, December 8, 2016 • 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Century Club of California
1355 Franklin St., San Francisco, CA 94109
Tickets: $20.00
The evening will begin with a wine and hors d’oeuvres reception followed by an interview and book signing.
Copies of Vanishing Grace: What Ever Happened to the Good News? will be available for purchase.[gap height=”30px”]
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[title text=”About the Author” style=”bold_center”]
A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Philip Yancey earned graduate degrees in Communications and English from Wheaton College and the University of Chicago. He joined the staff of Campus Life Magazine in 1971, and worked there for ten years as Editor and then Publisher.
Then Philip became a full-time writer, initially working as a journalist for such varied publications as Reader’s Digest, National Wildlife, Christian Century and The Reformed Journal. For many years he wrote a monthly column for Christianity Today magazine, which he still serves as Editor at Large.
He has written over twenty-five books, including Where Is God When It Hurts, Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? and Disappointment with God. The books have won thirteen Gold Medallion Awards from the Christian Publishers Association and have sold more than fifteen million copies in English, as well as being translated into forty languages. Christian bookstore managers selected The Jesus I Never Knew as the 1996 Book of the Year, and What’s So Amazing About Grace? received the same award in 1998. Among his most recent books are The Question That Never Goes Away and Vanishing Grace: What Ever Happened to the Good News?.
The Yanceys lived in downtown Chicago before moving to a very different environment in Colorado. They enjoy mountain climbing, skiing, wildlife, and all the other delights of the Rocky Mountains.
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[title text=”CONVERSATIONS FOR THE COMMON GOOD” style=”bold”]
Newbigin House of Studies regularly hosts lectures, performances, and onstage conversations with writers, artists, musicians, and leading thinkers. Featured guests are asked to articulate the important ideas and relevant viewpoints that inform their work and creative process. These conversations are offered in hope that all who attend will be enriched and challenged by the distinctive perspective that faith can add to our lives.