LNSI 2015 Archives
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[title text=”Summer Institute 2015 Archives” style=”bold”]
“The Gospel as Public Truth” | 13-16 July 2015
[tab title=”Speakers”]
Dr Richard Mouw
Dr Richard Mouw is a philosopher, scholar, and author. He served as the president of Fuller Seminary for two decades and is the author of 19 books. His newest book is Called to the Life of the Mind: Some Advice for Evangelical Scholars. Dr. Mouw is currently Professor of Faith and Public Life at Fuller. Richard will be speaking on “Discerning Truth in the Public Square.”
Claire Foster-Gilbert
Claire Foster-Gilbert is Director of Westminster Abbey Institute. She has expertise in medical ethics and has published ethics manuals and served on many public and advisory bodies. She has led efforts to shift the Church’s thinking on environmental issues, offering a sound theological basis and practical guidance to change minds and hearts across the UK. Claire will be speaking on “Public Theological in Secular Britain.”
Rev’d Dr Paul Weston
Rev’d Dr Paul Weston is Director of the Newbigin Centre, Cambridge, lectures in mission studies and homiletics at Ridley Hall, Cambridge and is an affliliated lecturer in the Cambridge University Divinity Faculty. Paul’s PhD was on Lesslie Newbigin’s missionary engagement with Western culture and he has written widely on his work. Paul will be speaking on Lesslie Newbigin’s topic of “The Gospel as Public Truth.”
Rev’d Dr Scot Sherman
Rev’d Dr Scot Sherman is Executive Director of the Newbigin House of Studies, San Francisco. Scot is also a member of the Newbigin Faculty at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan and a Teaching Pastor at City Church San Francisco. He teaches courses in Systematic Theology, Urban Ministry and Missional Liturgics. Scot will be speaking on “The Congregation as Hermeneutic of the Gospel.”
Rev’d Dr Richard Higginson
Rev’d Dr Richard Higginson is Tutor in Ethics, and Director of ‘Faith in Business’ at Ridley Hall Cambridge. He is passionate about wanting to support and challenge Christians in business to be faithful disciples in what are often very demanding working contexts. He organises an annual spring conference, co-edits the Faith in Business journal, writes books when sabbaticals give him the opportunity, and speaks on faith and business topics in places as varied as Oslo and Hong Kong.
[tab title=”Resources”]
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/132107311″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true”]
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Attendee Booklet
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PowerPoint Slides
- Weston_(Handout 1)
- Weston_(Handout 2)
- Sherman_The_Congregation_Gathered
- Higginson_Faith_at_Work
- Foster-Gilbert_Newbigin_Lecture
- Mouw_DiscerningTruthinthePublicSquare
[tab title=”Photos”]
- Trinity Hall
- Trinity Hall
- Trinity Hall
- River Cam
- Walking tour with Paul Weston
- Walking tour with Paul Weston
- Scot Sherman
- Claire Foster-Gilbert
- Richard Higginson
- Discussion groups
- Punting
- Punting
- Dr Richard Mouw
- Library tour
- Newbigin Centre Launch
- Newbigin Centre Launch
- Closing Worship Service at Queens’ College
- Closing Banquet at Queens’ College