NHS Intensive: Integrating Faith and Technology

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A focused six-week program designed to present a path for an integrated lens with which to understand the development of new and better technology as a fundamentally “faithful” act and an expression of a spiritual hope for creation. The program will facilitate the exploration of the fundamental definitions of faith and technology, present a detailed view on their shared historical context, provide a number of alternative frameworks for discussion, and offer a more accurate view of the divine call to be co-creators in the world.
The group conversation is designed for individuals who seek to develop a deeper contextual narrative and demonstrate practical frameworks for understanding the interdependent relationship between faith and technology. Course notes, recommended reading lists, reflection questions and supplemental readings will be provided.
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Program topics include:

  • Frameworks for Understanding Faith and Technology
  • Historical Context – Innovation and the Church
  • God’s Agency and Co-Creation
  • The Development of a Christian Technoculture
  • Exploring Life Extension and Other Modern Technologies

Dates: Weekly from Sept. and Oct.; dates to be determined by participants.
Time: 7:15-9:00pm.
Facilitator: Alana Ackerson, a Newbigin Senior Fellow
Location: 1794 Union Street (Alana’s home). Wine and cheese will be provided.
Cost: $120.00
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