Seminary in the City + Online
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A part-time, cohort-based, distance learning pre-seminary program
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[title style=”bold” text=”A Year of Discerning by Doing”]
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Sensing a call and wondering about next steps? What if discerning your call to ministry involved a year of theological study where you already are? What if receiving your seminary education led to a life more connected to what God is doing in the world?
We invite you to consider The Ministry Fellowship, a part-time, cohort-based, distance learning program designed to help you discover more about yourself, the city, and your sense of call.
Try a year of seminary course work with us, get advanced standing if you decide to continue on to a formal master’s degree program at one of our partner schools.
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Same Program, New Name: Formerly known as “The Newbigin Year,” our pre-seminary program is now a track in The Ministry Fellowship. To learn more and/or to apply, please visit this page.
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[title style=”bold_center” text=”Advanced Standing”]
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Students who complete the Ministry Fellowship may apply for advanced standing at the following partner seminaries:
- Austin Theological Seminary (TX)
- Fuller Theological Seminary (CA)
- Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (PA)
- Western Theological Seminary (MI)
Upon satisfactory review of student portfolios by the partner seminaries, students will receive advanced standing with credit toward an M.Div. or M.A. program.
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[title style=”bold_center” text=”Certificate Program”]
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Students who wish to take the courses as a standalone program will receive a Certificate in Public Theology upon completion of the Ministry Fellowship. The certificate program is especially well-suited for non-ordained church leadership positions.